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HTML क्या है?

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) एक वेब पेज को बनाने के लिए प्रयोग की जाने वाली एक programming language है। यह एक markup language है, जो कि वेब पेज के सामग्री को संरचित करने के लिए प्रयोग की जाती है। HTML का प्रयोग करके आप वेब पेज पर टेक्स्ट, चित्र, लिंक, फॉर्म इत्यादि को जोड़ सकते हैं। HTML Questions HPSSSC JOA.

जैसा कि आप सभी जानते हैं की HPSSSC JOA IT exam में कंप्यूटर के बहुत से प्रश्न आते हैं। जिसमें से HTML के भी बहुत प्रश्न आते हैं। तो अगर आपने भी आने वाले HPSSSC JOA IT का पेपर भरा है तो नीचे दिए गये प्रश्नों को एक बार जरुर पढ़ें। क्या पता आने वाले पेपर HP Junior Office Assistant के पेपर में इनमें से कोई प्रश्न आ जाये।

20 HTML Question Answer For HPSSSC JOA IT Exam

1. What is the correct syntax for creating a hyperlink in HTML?
A. <a>link</a>
B. <link>text</link>
C. <a href="url">text</a>
D. <href>text</href>
Answer: C. <a href="url">text</a>

2. Which HTML tag is used to create a table?
A. <table>
B. <list>
C. <grid>
D. <chart>
Answer: A. <table>

3. What is the correct syntax for creating an ordered list in HTML?
A. <ul>list items</ul>
B. <ol>list items</ol>
C. <list>list items</list>
D. <dl>list items</dl>
Answer: B. <ol>list items</ol>

4. What is the correct syntax for creating an image in HTML?
A. <img>source</img>
B. <picture>source</picture>
C. <img src="source">
D. <image src="source">
Answer: C. <img src="source">

5. Which HTML tag is used to create a heading?
A. <head>
B. <header>
C. <h1> to <h6>
D. <heading>
Answer: C. <h1> to <h6>

6. Which HTML tag is used to create a line break?
A. <break>
B. <lb>
C. <br>
D. <line>
Answer: C. <br>

7. Which HTML tag is used to create a horizontal rule?
A. <hr>
B. <rule>
C. <line>
D. <divider>
Answer: A. <hr>

8. Which HTML tag is used to create a text input field?
A. <input type="text">
B. <textbox>
C. <input type="input">
D. <textfield>
Answer: A. <input type="text">

9. Which HTML tag is used to create a checkbox?
A. <checkbox>
B. <input type="check">
C. <input type="checkbox">
D. <check>
Answer: C. <input type="checkbox">

10. Which HTML attribute is used to specify the URL of a link?
A. src
B. href
C. link
D. url
Answer: B. href

11. What is the correct syntax for creating a form in HTML?
A. <form>inputs</form>
B. <input>fields</input>
C. <form action="submit">inputs</form>
D. <form action="url">inputs</form>
Answer: D. <form action="url">inputs</form>

12. Which HTML tag is used to create a text area for user input?
A. <textarea>
B. <input type="textarea">
C. <input type="multiline">
D. <textfield type="multiline">
Answer: A. <textarea>

13. What is the correct syntax for creating a radio button in HTML?
A. <input type="radio" name="group" value="option">
B. <radiobutton>name</radiobutton>
C. <input type="radiobutton">name</input>
D. <input name="group" value="option">
Answer: A. <input type="radio" name="group" value="option">

14. What is the correct syntax for creating a drop-down list in HTML?
A. <select>options</select>
B. <dropdown>options</dropdown>
C. <list>options</list>
D. <options>list</options>
Answer: A. <select>options</select>

15. What is the correct syntax for creating an option in a drop-down list in HTML?
A. <option>text</option>
B. <list>text</list>
C. <select>text</select>
D. <dropdown>text</dropdown>
Answer: A. <option>text</option>

16. Which HTML tag is used to create a button?
A. <button>
B. <input type="submit">
C. <input type="btn">
D. <submit>
Answer: B. <input type="submit">

17. Which HTML attribute is used to specify the value of a form input element?
A. value
B. input
C. type
D. option
Answer: A. value

18. Which HTML attribute is used to specify the target of a link?
A. target
B. href
C. link
D. url
Answer: A. target

19. Which HTML tag is used to create a definition list?
A. <dl>
B. <list>
C. <def>
D. <description>
Answer: A. <dl>

20. Which HTML tag is used to create a paragraph?
A. <paragraph>
B. <p>
C. <text>
D. <div>
Answer: B. <p>

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