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General Knowledge questions with answers

Welcome to URCareerZone, your one-stop destination for expanding your general knowledge and preparing for competitive exams. In today’s fast-paced world, staying informed and knowledgeable about various subjects is essential for personal growth and success in any field. Whether you are a student gearing up for competitive exams or an individual seeking to broaden your intellectual horizons, our curated collection of General Knowledge (GK) questions and answers is here to empower you.

In this blog post, we present a diverse array of 20 MCQs covering topics ranging from geography, history, science, literature, and more. These carefully crafted questions are designed to challenge your intellect and spark curiosity. So, let’s embark on this enriching journey of discovery and learning as we explore fascinating facts and intriguing information that will not only help you ace exams but also make you a well-rounded individual.

Here are 20 more general knowledge questions multiple-choice (MCQs) with their answers:

  1. Question: What is the largest mammal on Earth?
    a) African Elephant
    b) Blue Whale
    c) Giraffe
    d) Hippopotamus
    Answer: b) Blue Whale
  2. Question: Which continent is known as the “Dark Continent”?
    a) Africa
    b) Asia
    c) South America
    d) Antarctica
    Answer: a) Africa
  3. Question: Which country is famous for its tulip fields and windmills?
    a) Germany
    b) Netherlands
    c) France
    d) Switzerland
    Answer: b) Netherlands
  4. Question: The famous scientist, Sir Isaac Newton, formulated the laws of motion in which century?
    a) 16th century
    b) 17th century
    c) 18th century
    d) 19th century
    Answer: b) 17th century
  5. Question: What is the national flower of India?
    a) Rose
    b) Lotus
    c) Sunflower
    d) Lily
    Answer: b) Lotus
  6. Question: In which city is the headquarters of the United Nations (UN) located?
    a) London, UK
    b) Paris, France
    c) Geneva, Switzerland
    d) New York, USA
    Answer: d) New York, USA
  7. Question: Who wrote the famous novel “To Kill a Mockingbird”?
    a) J.D. Salinger
    b) Harper Lee
    c) Mark Twain
    d) George Orwell
    Answer: b) Harper Lee
  8. Question: Which gas is most abundant in the Earth’s atmosphere?
    a) Nitrogen
    b) Oxygen
    c) Carbon dioxide
    d) Hydrogen
    Answer: a) Nitrogen
  9. Question: Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, is located in which mountain range?
    a) Andes
    b) Himalayas
    c) Rocky Mountains
    d) Alps
    Answer: b) Himalayas
  10. Question: Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize (1903)?
    a) Marie Curie
    b) Mother Teresa
    c) Jane Goodall
    d) Rosa Parks
    Answer: a) Marie Curie
  11. Question: The Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest coral reef system, is situated off the coast of which country?
    a) Australia
    b) Brazil
    c) Indonesia
    d) Mexico
    Answer: a) Australia
  12. Question: Which river is the longest in the world?
    a) Nile
    b) Amazon
    c) Yangtze
    d) Mississippi
    Answer: a) Nile
  13. Question: Who painted the famous artwork “The Starry Night”?
    a) Leonardo da Vinci
    b) Claude Monet
    c) Vincent van Gogh
    d) Salvador Dali
    Answer: c) Vincent van Gogh
  14. Question: Which planet is referred to as the “Morning Star” or “Evening Star” due to its visibility from Earth?
    a) Mars
    b) Venus
    c) Jupiter
    d) Saturn
    Answer: b) Venus
  15. Question: The famous “Mona Lisa” painting is displayed in which museum?
    a) Louvre Museum (Paris, France)
    b) British Museum (London, UK)
    c) Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, USA)
    d) Hermitage Museum (St. Petersburg, Russia)
    Answer: a) Louvre Museum (Paris, France)
  16. Question: What is the currency of Brazil?
    a) Real
    b) Peso
    c) Rupiah
    d) Baht
    Answer: a) Real
  17. Question: The Suez Canal connects which two water bodies?
    a) Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea
    b) Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal
    c) Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean
    d) North Sea and Baltic Sea
    Answer: a) Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea
  18. Question: Which famous scientist is known for his theory of evolution by natural selection?
    a) Charles Darwin
    b) Albert Einstein
    c) Isaac Newton
    d) Galileo Galilei
    Answer: a) Charles Darwin
  19. Question: In which country was the sport of volleyball invented?
    a) Brazil
    b) United States
    c) Russia
    d) Japan
    Answer: b) United States
  20. Question: Who is known as the “Father of the Indian Constitution”?
    a) Mahatma Gandhi
    b) Jawaharlal Nehru
    c) B.R. Ambedkar
    d) Subhash Chandra Bose
    Answer: c) B.R. Ambedkar

Make sure to verify the answers(if there are any corrections then you can contact us to correct them) and use these questions to enhance your general knowledge for competitive exams. Good luck!

As we come to the end of our General Knowledge questions and answers blog post, we hope that this enriching experience has left you feeling more knowledgeable and inspired. Remember, knowledge is the key that unlocks doors to new opportunities and empowers you to make informed decisions in life.

At URCareerZone, we believe that continuous learning and curiosity are the cornerstones of personal and professional growth. We encourage you to keep exploring the vast world of information, reading extensively, and challenging your intellect with diverse subjects. Each new piece of knowledge acquired is a step closer to achieving your dreams and aspirations.

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Happy studying!

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